Recent successes
Congratulations to Shakila Syed from Audenshaw for passing her part three Instructors exam at the first attempt.
Congratulations To Tim Hogan from Droysden for passing his part three Instructors exam.
Congratulations To Yasmin Stopford from Droysden for passing her driving test first time with APPROVED
Congratulations to Anthony Hickey for passing his driving test first time with Approved
Congratulations To kyle Clayton from Hilary Ave Ashton for passing his driving test first time with Approved
Congratulations To Charlotte Bent from Reed Street West Hyde for passing her test with Approved
Congratulations to Abbey Clayton from Hillary ave Ashton for passing her Test first time with Approved
Congratulations to Damian from Hurst bank Ave Ashton for passing his driving Test with Approved
Congratulations to Caroline Wilkinson from Vicarage Road Ashton for passing her driving Test first time with Approved school of Motor
Congratulations to Lirim Qoshi for passing his driving Test with Approved
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Approved School Of Motoring
T: 0161 343 5163
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